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Category Archives: Health

3 stories about "Depression" that people often misunderstand

3 stories about “Depression” that people often misunderstand

I don’t know if it was a coincidence or not. But this week there have been news stories about patients with depression, many stories at the same time. Most recently, the death of famous artist Chester Bennington, lead singer of Linkin Park, who had a huge number of fans in Thailand. When

What causes "eye twitching"? Does it happen often? Is it dangerous?

What causes “eye twitching”? Does it happen often? Is it dangerous?

“Right is bad, left is good” is the idea of ​​people who experience “eye twitching.” Whenever they twitch, they immediately check to see if their eye twitches on the left side or the right side because we believe that. But what actually causes the eye twitch? And if eye